
49 Movie Reviews w/ Response

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Silent shout

I can't believe it took me until the rabbit to realize they were all dead. The main reason is that you found a subtle yet meaningful way to represent deaths at the beginning. You don't explicitly show people die and the relationship, or may I say the connection between all the characters is at first evasive. This is great. The music is half-gleeful and half-melancholic or at least ominous, which fulfill ones with a feeling of depraved happiness. This, is great as well.

As far as the animation goes though, it's not that exceptional. While you draw half-well (but the eyes are accurate), and animate small bits quite handsomely, the bigger whole is less remarkably done. The jumping rabbit is stuttering. Sometimes the camera movements are shaky (in a flash animation, yes I know it souds ludicrous).

Concerning the part that comes after the soldier (until then it's a blow) you become suddenly crude and raw about the death. You don't care about subtlety anymore. In the process, you lose the poetic aspect of the first half and the mystery that gives it all its charm. Not talking about the quixotic plane in the dog scene. At the end it just feels like a series of all kinds of different deaths you wanted to showcase. And it's not great.

Hope it helped, good day.

PapaLongLegs responds:

I felt that the storyline NEEDED to become a bit obvious towards the end, so as not to confuse a lot of my audience. Not a lot of people would be happy if nothing was explained and Id be faced with tons of question marks.

For an explanation to the dog scene please watch my previous flash, this is in the description which you should have read.

Will you put my hands away ?

It's extremely cliché. You probably took the most used and re-used love clichés, replaced the humans factors with flowers, and created your movie religiously following the path traced by those clichés. That's not a joke, maybe you didn't even realize it yourself. Plus, the animation is made only with tweens. Even when the blue flower tries to unroot himself, you didn't bother to draw him in a perspective, you just shrank him.
The color schemes is not bad at all though. You are trying (or maybe you did, without willing to) touched the "sensible string" of most people here fond of lovey-dovey stories. But it's not original, at all. Sorry to say this that roughly.
Though, work went into this, and you deserve credits for that ! So I am giving a 5 which is not SO FUCKING bad. :D

spunky13 responds:

Hey man, I tweened about one thing, the rest is all fbf. It give's it more of a bounce and more easing.


Yes, how come this gem didn't make the front page ? Tom is kind enough to link it in his news post but not to make it front page'd ? What a crying shame.

It's some stunning morphing, the beginning is great too, though a bit laggy, and of course, great music. Why did you raise the tempo though ? It still sounds nice anyway. In particular, I love the minimalist textures and colors, it goes along with Radiohead's electronica. This is chilling and definitely beautiful. That some flashes like this are released here warmens my heart ; that it doesn't make frontpage sodomizes it (which is impossible I know).

StressBunnyInc responds:

awwww thank you so much <3 oh and i didnt raise the tempo. bah. lol :p

i'm gonna rap that jack sometimes

You managed to put 3 old internet memes in a little bit more than 30 seconds. I can't laugh anymore. Also, it seems like you half-assed this quickly.

Hulalaoo responds:

Use memes is bad ? i not see you point, good night sir

Avril is not for the pupils

Lo, once upon a time, there was a Lord who lived in a foreign country forgotten by Gods, and his name was Krinkels. He made some gory and mindlessly violent yet efficient movies called Madness (C.Q.F.D.). The animation was basic, movements were limited to up-down-right-left and the wounds appeared the same way wherever or in whatever position they were placed on the body. The fights were bloody and acrobatic. Teenagers, instead of slaying their little comrades at school, were watching these movies and loved them. They loved them so much they decided to make their own and discovered this style was not hard to imitate. And it was, well,... the madness madness.

All this grand paragraphe to say what ? This movie is just Madness with bunnies. Now I know it probably doesn't suffice you as a reasonable reason to give a rather low score, neither it is for most retards here, therefore I will tell you all the facts that sink your movie in my opinion.

First of everything, this is a madness look-a-like. While Madness is not even this good, an almost carbon copy can't be better. You're not the first, you're not the only one, and you won't be the lone to imitate this style come from devil-knows-where. I know kids love this but it infuriates me a freaking lot. It's extremely linear. It's boring. No matter how hard you try to move people and arms all around (and sometime it lookes like a hideous mess, slow motion option would be a good feature) you just end up showing the hero slicing or throwing a weapon. The last combat is sometimes interesting though.

Talking about the fights, it's astonishingly cliché. Not the most cliché aspect of the movie yet though. It's like all these stick movies and other dull action flicks here on Newgrounds where the hero can swin through all the ennemies without difficulty, doing impossible acrobatics and killing all of them without a single wound. Until the end with the big boss and he almost dies each time but every time he finds a way to summon an almost-godly power to revive his forces and kicks the boss's ass !!! There must be a thousand movies like this, it's a common scheme :
- Invincible hero beats everyone'ass
- He has problems fighting the boss
- He almost dies
- Even almost dead he found an absurd way to gain the power to beat him.
You blatantly didn't care about writing a good scenario at all.

Oh, and, excuse me, but the use of love into this is a way to gain girls' and emotional teenagers' attention. Admit it. That's not an offense though, I still respect you (which is a point most people have difficulty to understand), but where does she come from. Why does she help him. Why does she love him. We'll never know. And when he's almost slain by the (obviously) old japanese man (I mean, it's common to make the hardest boss an old wise-looking man, isn't it), she comes to help him ! Reaction : http://randazza.files.wordpress.com/2 008/11/facepalm.jpg
And then they fight him together. How cute. And when I watched her die, well...
Reaction : http://koltchak91120.files.wordpress.
com/2009/06/facepalm.jpg. And enraged he summoned a godly power to kill the meanie. I am not into your 2 pennies sentimentalism.

The whole movie is a cliché. Except there are bunnies. Why bunnies anyway ? Why are people so obsessed with bunnies ? Oh, I'm sure Illwillpress will make another trash-worthy "animation" about this. I don't really care. You want to hear good points ? Mmmmh, alright. Nice effects and colours. But the music was definitely better than the film itself. I am not surprised newgrounders have worshipped it so much and carried the score so high. I'm just sad they have. At least that's not a hentai parody. Actually, you can get better. You drew some nice characters at the end when each of the three were using their special powers. If only you could make a whole movie with this kind of drawing, this would be great and redeem the clichés. Don't be hating, I am not dissing your work in a vicious way. I hope you'll make better movies later, and the last part of the movie made me hope so.

Have a good day sir.

Mottis responds:

Hey it's all good man. I respect your opinion, and agree on some of the points you made.
The truth is that I honestly didn't care much for the story or what happens in the movie, besides action. I kinda made it up as I went on. I didn't want to bother my mind with the story, I wanted to concentrate on the fighting and the choreography. This movie is supposed to be purely eye candy and action. If you are looking for a more 'deep' or engrossing experience, this is not the right movie for you.

But as I said, it's cool. Everyone is entitled to their opinion.

mwng itu bolchevik

You drew the punk-looky character upon Johnny Rotten, didn't ya !

Eddache responds:

The characters are actually based on the designs for Birdie and Eagle from the very first Street Fighter game.

Little Sister

I laughed. But not like internet people do. I laughed with my mouth. I physically laughed. And it's rare these months around here. In fact, I think I will watch it again once I am over with this review. This is somehow slapstick humour, but it's so goddamn well-made. The animation of the faces and the lip sync were swell ! It still needs work for the texture and the background, but otherwise, a new favourite !
Thanks for making this. Penis-man.

Slintas responds:

And thank you for writing one of the most awesome reviews I've gotten.

Thanks! :D


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