Why does my heart feel so bad
Only the beginning, and already defaults. You might have noticed I am an eternal unsatisfied, but it comes at a point where the flaws are obvious yet people are blinded by their "sheepdom", you know what I mean.
Before getting to the main point, let's talk about the basics. It looks blurry, okay, it may be the program or the compression, I don't know, still, it's always a pain to watch a blurry movie. Hope you'll fix that for the forthcoming episode. Another bug is the sound quality. The voice acting itself is not too bad, though the grandpa's voice sounds a tad feminine, but it kills my ears ! Find a better mic, it's a pain right now.
Okay now the big matter. It's gonna take long...
Originality is and has always been a important factor in the quality of a piece of art. And the originality is tied up with the style of the artist, these are not the same thing, but they are very close. Some artists don't have their unique style, but the realization of their work is original. All I can say about this movie is that nor the originality nor the style not even the realization are worth thumbs up.
What's my complain ? It's another manga look-a-like cartoon/style. I took a quick look at your profile only to find out you're from Texas. So, either you're a japanese animator who live in Texas (which would not redeem this problem anyway) either you're an american person who emulates, like millions (okay, thousands) others. I know a lot of people love mangas and the japanese style, and I know I do, but is this YOUR style ? It's fucking not. People don't realize that having their own style is a major improvement from simply imitating Japan. To me, the movie doesn't deserve any credit for its art because it's got none. EXEMPLES PLEASE
Imagine a totally obscure painter today. He has no idea, no originality, he just sucks. But one day he discover Salvador Dali's paintings and he's amazed (who wouldn't ?), and, as you know, Dai is nowadays dead. Thus this so-called artist will rip-off Dali's style and remake the famous Clocks picture. And imagine that everyone love it, why ? Because they loved Dali's ! Basically they love the rip-off because Dali painted alike stuff before, they don't care if this artists has no originality. Now imagine this guy becomes really famous and is praised by the public (except by the critics of course, they are not stupid) and appears in newspaper. All that because he just ripped off Dali's artwork ! It sounds as stupid as it looks, but this what is happening now and HERE. I am not only talking about you, but the plenty teenagers (but there are older people, which creeps me grandly) getting credit for their manga ripped-off drawings while original artists with truly unique ideas are shut down because "it dosnt l00k lik anythin its crap I want mangaz lolzozrz",
Another thing. Hamsters ? Japanese ? Tree ? What the heck am I the only one to think it completely looks like Hamtaro ? You see, it's not the most original concept ever created here on newgrounds, and that's still an understatement ; it's not original at all. Sorry if you put hard work into it (did I really say that) but you should change your artstyle from A to Z. It's not impossible. Look, this guy who made Gun N' Swords was making stick figures only at the beginning, but his latest movie is a bodacious step forwards and a major change. You can do it too.
I know it sounds stupid to make a long-ass review for a preview only, but at least you're warned, and I won't review it again for the main episode to come later.
Have a good day